Cream Puffs with Nutella Pastry Cream

(Pastry Dough - Pâte à Chou)

(Nutella Pastry Cream)


1. Pre-heat oven to 375-degrees.

2. In a saucepan, bring water to a boil with butter and salt over high heat.

3. Reduce heat to moderate and add flour and mix well until mixture pulls away from sides, forming a dough.

4. Transfer dough to a mixer and beat in the eggs, 1 at a time on high speed. Batter should be a stiff, but soft, consistency. (Easy to pipe)

5. Pipe the mixture onto a greased cookie sheet (or silicone mat), about 1.5 inch wide for each cream puff.

6. Bake for 20-25 minutes until golden brown and let cool.

7. For pastry cream, place milk in saucepan and pour in sugar.

8. Add vanilla and bring mixture to a scald.

9. Whisk egg yolks and cornstarch and temper in the hot milk.

10. Add back to scalded milk mixture.

11. Heat over medium heat until cornstarch taste is gone and begins to boil.

12. Strain over butter and pour into shell or chill in ice bath at 40F. (This will help the cream get thick.)

13. Transfer the cream to a piping bag and pipe into each puffed pastry from the middle center, at one of the nooks.